這讓我又想到Steve Jobs的一段話。賈伯斯2005年到史丹佛大學畢業典禮致詞時,他提到「connecting the dots」。他的意思是,人生有很多時候,不會知道當下做的事,當下那個點(dot),在未來有何意義。但是,人生後來就會知道,之前的每一個點,是如何連結而成後來的人生。如果我們把賈伯斯2005年的這段話,和其他功成名就人士的臨終感言做比較,或者和賈伯斯自己後來對人生家庭的一些後悔做比較,我們不難發現,其實,賈伯斯2005年說的「connecting the dots」不完全正確,人生不是那些「點」把我們連結到那裡,人生就是那些「點」!
不論我們自願或不自願,我們的人生都在蒐集每個當下的「點」,而人生的目標就是盡我們之力,蒐集讓我們感動、觸動我們內心的「點」。我們每個人有不一樣的人生,有的有結婚、有的沒有結婚、有的有小孩、有的沒有小孩、有的喜歡文靜、有的喜歡動態 ….,讓我們感動的「點」,自然有所不同。或許是在山頂看日出、或許是在海邊看夕陽、或許是牽著心愛人的手、或許是隨著小孩奔跑、或許是公司上市在股票交易所敲下的那一槌、或許是看到苦難人時掉下的眼淚、或許是教導行為偏差小孩走回正路的微笑、或許是高空彈跳懸空跳出時的刺激、或許是在書店角落看書的專注….。每一個讓我們感動、值得我們一再回憶的「點」,為我們的生命注入了意義,就像一顆顆珍珠,讓我們串成一串美麗的珍珠項鍊。
是的 …..
為什麼中醫會走到這樣的情況?大家對自己的經典智慧信心不足,加上很多人行中醫之名卻無中醫之實,而一般人從小到大被市場廣告牽著走,諸多因素加在一起,讓大多數人不相信中醫,「user behavior」一旦成立,想改變它,不是一兩天可以達到的。
除了病患不相信中医的缘故外, 我想中医药自身也有一定的问题。如:
3.大学教育上四大经典不教了,改成选修课,都是些生理生化,人才传承上的断代; 4.健康标准没普及,又或者很难让大众接受。西医报告是数值化,有无问题一目了然,先不管是不是对的。而中医的阴阳、五行等等听起来就很玄。
Although I have been working in semiconductor area as an engineer for ~20 year, I have strong desire and interest in Traditional Chinese Medicine. I know my husband and two sons do not believe it all. It is hard to change people’s mind because something is by born which we need to accept and face. My mom got his right kidney removed 30 years ago as a result of mis-treatment of Chinese traditional medicine which I believe. She was just too tired of bringing her 5 kids up while she was given too much 利尿 herbs. I know I am not professional doctor, but I continue learning TCM by reading books, listening to videos. I admire how wonder our ancestors developed TCM methodology and the way they look at human body and how illness is developed step by step. Main reason that drives me to devote my leisure time to TCM is simply linked to my little wish, once in a while giving my Mom advice what herb might be good for her, how to take care of herself, cooking porridge with multi-grain and beans for kids every Morning, stewing tasty soup with Chinese herb for my family. Life is this simple if you can enjoy what you are doing. I got chance listened [国学堂]梁东对话倪海厦(1-7集) last month. I feel Doctor Ni is a really uncommon person which I fully follow and understand his mindset. It is really a great precious thing that you can be student of Doctor Ni.
Thank you for your message and encouragement. Yes, it’s my honor and fortune to learn from Dr. Ni. Sorry to hear about your mom’s sad story. Her health condition might have resulted from incorrect applications of Chinese Medicine or bad quality of herbs. Keep up your good work in learning Chinese Medicine.
Living in bay area for 15 years, one of the dream surrounded me all the time is if there is any possibility of creating a web based platform which gives people a place for entering all kinds of 症 in order to get advice of herbs for taken. This system needs a lot of knowledge base, continuous improvement for different level of users, and it needs to be accessible easily and work effectively. I once drafted a business proposal for this but never got it even started. I believe this is the first step to get more people’s buy in especially when they are still at the initial stage of uncomfortableness. I feel I would never be getting license and become professional in TCM area, but would really like to be part of 中医的传播者.
We did try to put together a list of many many symptoms and create an expert system. Technology-wise, it’s totally do-able. The challenge was to establish a solid business model to sustain the efforts. In the long term, it could be very beneficial to the mankind and also very rewarding to the investors. However, the time frame is beyond most investors, institutional and individual as well. It is more the work of long-term projects sponsored by governments or major non-profit organizations. Well, having said that, I am still making efforts to progress in this direction. If you have any good idea, I’d be glad to discuss with you.
I am happy to hear that such effort has been put by people like you. One of the reason why TCM could not be well spread and accepted by people is it is a science of experience based practice, not easily mastered, although full with ultimate wisdom. I totally agree with your opinion. How about tzu chi? They have been devoted helping people in various area. It can be started with 伤寒论. By the time more and more people joined, it can always be fine tuned and expanded. If you think this is something you want to pursuit, you can send me email or we can talk more in person.
It’s something that many of us want to devote to. Many discussions before too. However, most people are busy and it’s hard to run a big project without a serious organization keeping people and things on track. I do have some plans and schedules in mind. When time comes, your help and devotion will certainly be highly appreciated.
Great! Let me know when the time comes. I would be certainly glad to be part of it or involved in coordination work!