世界日報:常用藥飆漲 最高逾2倍常用藥飆漲–最高逾2倍/
圖靈製藥公司和威朗國際製藥公司將藥價調高得離譜後,引起外界注意到藥價問題。大藥廠不時調漲藥價可能不致受到相同關切,但歷次調漲相加起來,調幅卻很可觀。據IMS Health的數據顯示,美國十大常用藥的銷售額,自2011年至2014年增加44%,達到5400萬元,即使這些藥的處方減少22%。
相關藥廠辯稱,路透的分析未將藥廠提供的折扣和退款計入;不過, 醫藥福利經理人員表示,即使將折扣納入計算,他們支付常用藥的費用每年增加高達10%;聯邦消費物價指數則顯示,過去五年,這些藥價每年平均上2%。
史隆凱特林癌症研究中心腫瘤學家巴哈表示,藥價若能反映其真正價值,病患更能蒙受其惠,他說:「美國藥廠對藥價掌握了全權。」他估計, 去年僅僅安進的Enbrel藥價調漲,就使醫療成本增加10億元。安進發言人戴維斯在聲明中質疑巴哈的估計,指稱不可能根據藥品標價調漲來推論藥廠獲利的成長。
目前西醫廠賣出的治療關節炎、高膽固醇、氣喘等等藥物,根本沒用辦法解決問題,充其量只是在壓制現象,讓病人感覺好一些,卻帶來很多副作用。譬如關節炎藥Humira,我們不需要看FDA檔案中詳細的內容,只需要查一下一般醫學網站,就可以有個基本的概念,如就直接寫著:”The most serious adverse reactions have been serious infections, neurologic events, and malignancies.”(最嚴重的副作用包括嚴重感染、神經系統問題、惡性腫瘤),寫給醫療人員的副作用資料一長串,留給讀者自己去查看,下面是寫給一般人(consumers)看的,服用Humira後可能有的問題:
- Abdominal or stomach fullness
- body aches or pain
- cough or hoarseness
- ear congestion
- gas with abdominal or stomach pain
- lightheadedness
- loss of voice
- lower back or side pain
- muscle aches and pains
- nasal congestion
- pain or tenderness around the eyes or cheekbones
- rapid and sometimes shallow breathing
- shivering
- sunken eyes
- thirst
- trouble sleeping
- warmth on the skin
- wrinkled skin
- A sore on the skin of the breast that does not heal
- abdominal or stomach pain
- abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge
- agitation
- arm, back, or jaw pain
- black, tarry stools
- bleeding from the gums or nose
- blindness
- bloating or swelling of the face, arms, hands, lower legs, or feet
- blood in the stool or change in bowel habits
- bloody or cloudy urine
- blurred vision
- broken bones
- change in size, shape, or color of an existing mole
- change in skin color
- chest pain
- chest tightness or heaviness
- chills
- clear or bloody discharge from the nipple
- cold hands and feet
- confusion
- constipation
- cough
- coughing or spitting up blood
- decreased urination
- decreased vision
- depression
- difficult or frequent urination
- difficulty with breathing
- difficulty, burning, or painful urination
- dimpling of the breast skin
- dizziness
- drowsiness
- eye pain
- fainting
- fast, slow, or irregular heartbeat
- fever
- forgetfulness
- frequent urge to urinate
- general feeling of illness
- hair loss
- hallucinations
- headache
- increased thirst
- inverted nipple
- irregular breathing
- irregular pulse
- irritability
- itching or rash
- light colored stools
- loss of appetite
- lump in the breast or under your arm
- lump or swelling in the abdomen or stomach
- mole that leaks fluid or bleeds
- muscle cramps or spasms
- nausea
- new mole
- night sweats
- no blood pressure or pulse
- noisy breathing
- numbness or tingling in your arms, legs, or face
- pain, redness, or swelling in the arms or legs without any injury present
- pale skin
- persistent non-healing sore on your skin
- pink growth
- puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes, face, lips, or tongue
- raised, firm, or bright red patch
- redness or swelling of the breast
- seizures
- sharp back pain just below your ribs
- shiny bump on your skin
- slurred speech or problems with swallowing
- sneezing
- sore throat
- sores, ulcers, or white spots on the lips or mouth
- spitting up blood
- stiff neck
- stopping of the heart
- sudden high fever or low grade fever for months
- sweating
- swelling of the face, fingers, feet, or lower legs
- swollen glands
- swollen neck veins
- tightness in the chest
- tiredness
- trouble breathing with activity
- trouble thinking
- unconsciousness
- unexplained bruising or bleeding
- unpleasant breath odor
- unusual tiredness or weakness
- unusual weight gain or loss
- visual disturbances
- vomiting
- vomiting of blood or material that looks like coffee grounds
- yellow skin or eyes
- Bladder pain
- bleeding
- burning
- coldness
- discoloration of the skin
- feeling of pressure
- general feeling of discomfort or illness
- hives
- lumps
- numbness
- pounding in the ears
- redness
- scarring
- soreness
- stinging
- swelling
- tenderness
- tingling
- ulceration
- warmth
- Abnormal healing
- decrease in height
- difficulty with moving
- difficulty with swallowing
- difficulty with walking
- dry mouth
- heartburn
- indigestion
- loss of hearing
- loss of strength or energy
- menstrual changes
- muscle or joint stiffness, tightness, or rigidity
- muscle pain or weakness
- pain in the back, ribs, arms, or legs
- shakiness in the legs, arms, hands, and feet
- sores
- stomach pain, fullness, or discomfort
- swelling or redness in the joints
- weakness