
04/03/2015 台北首次見面


04/09/2015 越洋連絡

我已經回到加州,朋友Facebook Messenger告訴我,她媽媽整體表現進步、水腫大多都退了、大小便正常、精神也好很多了。xx醫院仍然不確定病人為什麼間歇性的發燒 ,決定等到病人痰培養的結果出來後再說。我把治療重點從治療水腫轉向間歇性發燒等問題。


04/15/2015 越洋連絡


04/23/2015 越洋連絡

朋友再次經由Facebook Messenger連絡,經朋友同意,我直接把他中英文夾雜、口語化的來函貼出來,如此比較「傳神」:

“Andy, just want to tks u again. W/o ur first prescription, my mom’s 水腫 & 排便 cannot recover. Her fever frequency is also from daily to every other day, and now expand to every 4-5 days. She is taking the 2nd prescription and in a steady progress mode now. Given the 2nd dose will reach the end, does she need to take few more as her X-rate shows her pneumonia is still there? Also her 排便又沒原來的順暢 after switching to the 2nd prescription from the 1st one. Also she feels 很虛弱, what kind of 補品 u would suggest for her 補氣?

Btw, my mom said u r 年輕有為的神醫. Haha

She has few other symptoms too

1) She is still taking 抗生素 from (xx醫院) till this weekend, so when she no longer takes the first prescription. 水腫 and 排便不順 resume.

2) She cannot sleep well even after taking 安眠藥. I guess it could be one of the key reason why she feels very weak.

3)she also feels 胸悶 and 胃痛, not sure it is due to taking too much 西藥.”

“Her 胸悶, 胃痛, 失眠 are likely caused by strong 抗生素.”

“Tks again. I guess 水腫 is also b/c she is still taking 抗生素, but this time 水腫 is still lighter than the very beginning. 西藥的副作用真的很大.”

開方:柴胡、黃芩、半夏、炙甘草、生薑、紅棗、桂枝、白术、茯苓、豬苓、澤瀉、 麻子仁、黃耆、 黨參、巴戟天、陽起石 、杜仲、炒酸棗仁、 川芎、遠志。

05/08/2015 越洋連絡

“Tks for your prescription on my mom’s case. She got improved a lot.

1)自4/17至今沒有再發燒。This is the most significant progress I think



However, we have stopped ur prescription for a week as we were waiting to see the doctor for the result of CT 電腦斷層 came out yesterday. Now my mom still suffers from the following symptoms:










I must say I feel so 無力 from 西醫的建議。After taking more than 100 抗生素 and X rate exam every single week,they still cannot find the reasons with good solutions on it。”

05/10/2015 越洋連絡

“西醫給我們的三個options裡頭,my mom聽到肺切片就嚇壞了,因此暫時不打算做。因為目前尚不知道病因,所以my mom也不想立刻服用類固醇,以免沒治好副作用一堆。So she prefers to wait till TB 細菌痰陪養 result to come out in 3-4 weeks。She also wants to wait to take another X rate test in few weeks to see whether she can improve gradually。

Honestly I don’t think it is a good strategy and don’t believe the illness can be cured itself。就像昨天是Mother’s Day,my mom felt 酸痛 again,which is not a good signal。我們已經掛號一個月以後的胸腔科,as the treatment is pending now (has been pending for 2 weeks)。但醫生說中間如果情況有惡化,必須要隨時回診。I feel that 如果情況惡化again,可能西醫就更不知道如何處置。

我們可能會尋找是否(yy醫院)或(zz醫院),有更有名的教授級胸腔科醫師有在看診,但是由於my mom對於西醫已經有所疑慮,而且又害怕再來一系列的檢查及吃藥,會不斷地折騰以及產生吃藥的副作用,所以還在猶豫。So far my mom has not taken any western medicine for 2 weeks and ur prescriptions for 1 week. Since there will be no more tests and medicines from (xx醫院), we think 中醫 could be a good alternative.由於她對於你的藥(特別是第一帖藥)產生極大的信心,所以我們也想尋求中醫的藥方。


So in conclusion, if u can, pls help to give me some advices on my mom’s following symptoms:








開方:麻黃、白芍、 五味子、乾薑、灸甘草、半夏、桂枝、細辛、浮小麥、紅棗、炒酸棗仁、川芎、知母、茯苓、遠志。

06/17/2015 越洋連絡

“Would like to give u some update about my mom’s progress. After taking ur last prescription(12副), my mom has showed good improvement. She is no longer  喘氣,  feel 虛弱 and no more 大小便頻繁. In fact, she can take a walk in school 操場 everyday now.

Now she is still 1) 早上都會有一些白色的痰, 2)  手指及小腿仍會僵硬 or 抽筋, and  3)  偶而仍會失眠 which I think it may be due to 壓力 or 心理作用. 

Since her symptom now is minor, my question is whether she shall take more doses of your last prescription, or just leave as it is.  She will take the X-rate exam in 2 weeks in order to know whether her 肺炎 is totally cured. In past one month, she did not take any medicine but ur doses only. My mom said ur prescription is 完全對症下藥 and we would like to express our high appreciation to u.“

“Yes pls feel free to write the story and use my word of my mom’s case, which is another true evidence to prove Chinese medicine is better than the Western one. Tks again.“



06/28/2015 越洋連絡

My mom went to xx醫院 to take X-rate and see the doctor this morning. She was so nervous and cannot sleep last nite. The good news is the X-rate result shows her 肺炎 (or whatever it is) is totally cured. Her last X-rate was taken in early May and did not take any medicine from the doctor since then although the X-rate still showed her lung was infected. During this period, she only took ur last prescription. Although her symptom is getting minor after taking ur doses day after day, we cannot conclude she is totally recovered until today the X-rate result comes out. My mom and I want to take the opportunity to thank you again. U are the 神醫!
